SystmOnline Services
New guidance available to help people with disabilities to access GP online services – please click on link below.
Information re: GP online services
ONLINE appointments & repeat prescriptions
You are now able to book a routine appointment or order your repeat prescriptions online with SystmOnline.
Before you can use our secure online service you will need to register. Please complete our Online Access Registration Request Form plusText Messaging and Email Consent Forms.
To download more information and the necessary consent forms please click on the link below.
WFHC SystmOnline Registration Forms
Once you have completed and signed the necessary forms please bring them into surgery together with photographic proof of your identification and we will be able to provide you with a personalised username and password. You can then access SystmOnline by clicking on the following link.
Instructions for accessing your Online Services
SystmOnline Appointment Booking
Please be careful when choosing your appointment slot. Should you wish to book an appointment for your annual review of a longstanding condition (this includes your medication review) you will need to choose a fifteen minute appointment (twenty minutes for Diabetes please) as a full review cannot be carried out in the ten minute slots.